Electrical Control Panels
Built to NEC Standards
From motor controllers to full machine automation, Grimstad provides electrical control panel solutions for a broad range of applications.

AC/DC Hydraulic Power Units
Industrial & Mobile Solutions Available
Discover rugged, efficient, and long-lasting hydraulic power units from Grimstad and our trusted supplier partners.

Moog: Explosion Proof Valve Repairs
Don’t Lose your Certifications
When it’s time for valve service or repair, Moog can help you maintain essential explosion proof certifications.

ATOS: 100% Digital Electrohydraulics
Atos digital proportionals offer a powerful mix of innovative features. Find out more today.

MHA ZENTGRAF: Always More Than 30,000 Ball, Needle & Check Valves + Accessories in Stock
Find out how Grimstad can quickly supply you with ball valves, check valves and flow controls from MHA ZENTGRAF.

Des-Case: Preventing Contamination in Lubricated Equipment
Did you know that new oil is not clean oil? Why? On average, it is transferred six times before arriving on your dock.